Hi everyone,
Yesterday I spent an hour with legendary Amazon book seller Greg Murphy discussing a fantastic business opportunity he's mastered over the last nine years. (this is free educational content - no opt-in is required)...
Greg processes 3 Tractor Trailer Truck loads of books each week. He sells 300 to 400 used books per day - and that adds up to several million dollars worth of books per year!
In this exciting interview he explains how he started, the mistakes he made, how he handles that many books per week, and how you can start small and get into this business too. We also share "6 Secrets Of Selling Books By The Truckload."
Greg also has a free workshop open to the public this week - you can sign up: http://www.busproofbusiness.com/a/8386/JUKBk8oW
Wondering WHY I like Greg's business so much?
An In-Demand Product - You Can Source Cheaply & Easily: The #1 challenge most want-repreneur (people who want to become an online seller) face is "what should I sell?" many times, out of desperation, they choose an expensive product (like something imported from China) with a HUGE risk of failure. Greg gets his products for 2 cents a pound!
Low Risk: When you're starting out - it is DUMB to bet the farm on your first product. You want to go slow and carefully to learn what you're doing without any pressure. So, starting with used books allows you to learn to sell online without putting yourself in a high risk situation. That's smart.
Profitable Long-Term Opportunity: He makes a lot of money. Greg's not a "dabbler" with a small scale book selling operation - he sells HUGE quantities of books. I respect that ... this isn't a "side hustle" for him. He's turned this into a legitimate business with real expertise. But this opportunity is available nationwide - likely worldwide.
Amazon Is Just One Sales Channel: Using Amazon, they are also easy to sell. But you can sell books other places online, sell them locally, and even give them away in your community.
Sell Books To Learn About Niches: This is an online business that will expose you to TONS of niches, hobbies, topics, and social groups that you may end up learning about - enjoying - and creating an online product in support of...
Be A Behind The Scenes Operator: There are very few online businesses that don't require you to "be a pubic salesperson" and risk embarrassing yourself socially in front of your friends or family as you talk about what you're trying to sell. But book selling can happen quietly, behind the scenes, without anyone even knowing. The perfect stealthy side-hustle.
Start With No Money: This is a low-risk opportunity that you can start with almost NO MONEY. So there is no excuse not to get started today. Start small, learn from legitimate sources, and built your online income.
I could keep adding to that list all day ... and let me just say, if you're not familiar with Greg Murphy, you'll be impressed. He is a legendary, no-hype, honest, ethical, and hard working book seller - and he's willing to share all his secrets. And yes, we will discuss 6 secrets to selling books by the truckload.
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If you'd like additional training and coaching to achieve your Shopify goals, consider applying for our coaching program today!
Grateful for the chance to be of help,
Jason & Kyle
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