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How To Have A Good Shopify Site Plus Bonus Contest

Jan 12, 2019

This week we've got a fun contest for you - plus a terrific conversation about how to have a good Shopify store in 2019! Keep reading to learn more - and enter to win our contest too!

How To Have A Good Shopify Store In 2019: In this free video training we dig into the fun topic of how to have a good Shopify store - with tips, suggestions, and expert advice. Watch the full video:

 (note: the audio controls are on the bottom right corner of the video player

Enter To Win An Autographed Copy Of Our New Book Instagram Power: Our new book comes out on March 8th and each week we'll be doing special contests to give away an autographed copy. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited, and unfortunately for legal reasons only U.S. residents are eligible to win (read the full contest rules on the embedded entry tool below). The autographed copy will be sent as soon as the book is available on March 8th.  


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Work With Us More Closely: When you're ready - check out these options to work with us more closely.

Inner Circle: Our group coaching program is designed to give you all our in-depth training, access to a fantastic community of six, seven, and eight figure online sellers, and also opportunity to connect with us directly. Learn more here.

9 Mountains Of Traffic: We are rolling out our 9 Mountains Of Traffic training exclusively for  our Inner Circle community. You can learn more about the 9 Mountains topic here. I made you a little video: 

Personal Coaching: Ready To Get Personal Coaching? We have a few spots open on your weekly coaching calls calendar. If you're ready to get our personal help. Learn more here.

Now go crush it,


Ps. I'm honored to be Udemy's most popular e-commerce instructor. Jump into some new training right now. (side note) ... Right now people are LOVING our Massive Traffic From Simple Contests Course.  




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