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The Simplest Way To Get Massive Traffic To Your Shopify Site

Jun 27, 2024

In the last 30 days, we've had over 100,000 people visit our Shopify site (www.pixiefaire.com). They visited 240,000 times in total and looked at 1.2M pages.

In this article, I'll share the simplest, most effective, and most under-utilized way to get lots and lots of people to visit your Shopify site. Here is a screenshot of our analytics to prove my traffic claims,

Focus On Why They Come

The newbie marketer asks, "where" do I spend my time getting people to visit my website? Is it







Viral Video?

Email Marketing?


The veteran marketer asks "why" would people want to come to my site and how can I make that "why" incredibly attractive to my ideal customers. 

Get a good "why" and the "where" is simpler. The "where" almost takes care of itself if you design this strategy correctly. (I'll explain how in a moment).

So let's look at why someone might come to your site and how to build a system to make that...

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Winning On Shopify With Retargeting

Jun 25, 2021

How We Finally Got Retargeting To Make A Profit...

I'm an eager student, but a slow learner. So when retargeting came along a few years ago, I jumped at the chance to learn how to do it. In this blog post, I explain Retargeting as a marketing strategy and how we failed repeatedly to make it work - and then ultimately found our way to a successful retargeting strategy. I'm not claiming to be an expert on this topic in any way - I'm just a student of the technique sharing my story...

Retargeting Defined: (in case you're not familiar with the phrase), "retargeting", it is the idea of placing an advertisement in front of someone who has previously visited your website. You do it by installing a "pixel" tracking code on your Shopify (or other) website that tracks visitors - so that you can serve up ads to them later.

(Note: Google calls this "remarketing", Facebook calls it "retargeting")

Because retargeting is an advertising strategy - the folks who offer you the "pixel tracking code"...

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