Learn More About Our Mentoring Program

Join us in the Winning On Shopify mentoring program! Get 6-months of mentoring and instructional content focused on launching and scaling your Shopify site. The 2017 Cohort Begins January 9th!

You've found some success selling online... now it's time to create your signature brand - launch a Shopify website that supports it - scale it up - and crush your goals.

You've already learned more than you might realize - and you can bring your knowledge of online selling into your Shopify experience and make the transition to a new and exciting level.

The program includes:

Module One: Branding Foundations & Niche Selection - in this month long process we'll go deep into your niche audience, product selection and branding strategy. At the end of this module you'll have clarity on the niche opportunity, the product strategy, and the brand that will resonate with your ideal customer.

Module Two: Shopify Site Structure & Build - this is the work everyone wants to jump into. In this month long process we'll coach and mentor you as you implement your Shopify site. We'll even jump into your site for you as needed - and help resolve issues.

Module Three: Traffic Stacking Methodology - With a target market, a product, a brand and a beautiful Shopify website, you're ready to begin building traffic to your site. In this exciting module we'll walk you through proven organic (and free) promotional tactics that are proven to work.

Module Four: Paid Advertising - Understanding how to make paid traffic pay is the heart of Module Four. We'll walk you through paid campaigns that you can implement, test, and scale up.

Module Five: Analytics & Scale Up - Understanding the results of your promotional work is the key to scaling an ecommerce business. In this month long module we'll walk you through how to gain analytics competency and begin learning your numbers at a professional level.

Module Six: Site Review & Enhancements - The art of constant optimization is the focus of our final module. We'll walk you through a framework for continuous improvement and teach you how to refine and improve things quickly and efficiently.

We've designed this program so you'll get real results - join today and let's begin building your ideal online business.

About The Instructors: Jason Miles and Kyle Hamar have sold millions on their Shopify sites and directly manage ecommerce sites in multiple niches. They also teach Online Marketing and Analytics at Northwest University as Adjunct Professors. 


50% Complete

Two Step

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