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What marketing trends should you be watching on Facebook in 2021?

Jan 26, 2024

Hi friends, 

In this Tip of the Week video, we break down 6 Facebook trends that all marketers should be thinking about as we move into the new year.

Let us know what you think!



0:00 Intro

0:41 Facebook Live for E-Commerce

1:05 Facebook Live Usage Up 26.8% in Q2 2020

1:33 What Is Live Selling?

2:11 Popular Content Types on Facebook

2:30 Benefits of GIFs On Facebook

3:16 Create GIFs Quickly on GIPHY.COM

3:37 User Generated Content on Facebook

4:25 Using UGC for front-end advertising 

5:10 Collages are making a comeback

5:30 Using Your Blog For Contests

5:58 Facebook Text Image Rule Still A Thing?

6:22 Long Form Text On Facebook Posts

8:08 Facebook Groups

8:56 Facebook Hashtags?

10:27 Video Is Still King

10:58 Ideal Video Length on Facebook

11:10 Facebook Shopping

13:12 More Resources for Traffic

Resources Mentioned:

The E-Commerce Leader Podcast: https://www.theecommerceleader.com/blog/

The Adweek Copywriting Handbook by Joe Sugarman: ...

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5 Ways To Use Your Blog To Encourage Returning Site Visitors & Sales

Jan 18, 2024

Hi friends, 

What is the best traffic to your site? You need all kinds of traffic and visitors, but the most profitable will be returning visitors. These are the people coming back to complete a transaction (or better yet...a returning buyer). In this Tip of the Week video, we discuss 5 ways to use your blog to encourage visitors to return to your site.

Watch the video...then tell us your 2021 blogging plans!


0:00 Intro

0:23 The Most Profitable Traffic

0:44 New Customers vs. Returning Customers

1:16 How To Get People Back To Your Site

1:55 5 Tips For Using Your Blog For Returning Visitors

2:04 Pre-Sale Announcement Blog Posts

3:43 Pre-Product Launch Announcement Blog Posts

4:18 An Easy Way To Build A Relationship With Your Customer

5:30 Using Your Blog For Contests

5:40 Moving Some of Your Sales Announcements To Your Blog 

6:09 More Traffic Resources

Learn More About Our 9 Mountains Of Traffic Community Here

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Why Start A Blog? 6 Reasons To Love It As An E-commerce Seller

Jan 12, 2024

Hi friends, 

In this Tip Of The Week video, we share 6 reasons why we love blogging and encourage you to make it a key part of your content strategy.

How do you plan on implementing your blog?

Watch the video...then tell us your 2021 blogging plans!


0:00 How Much Does It Cost To Blog?

0:22 Highly Shareable Content

0:44 Blogging Has A Long “Shelf-Life” With Organic SEO Traffic

1:56 3 Main Goals Of A Blog

2:09 Blog Articles Don’t Require Technical Skills

2:39 The Real Benefit and Reward Of Blogging

3:26 Blogging Is Not Flashy, It Just Works

3:41 How To Make Money With Your Blog

3:43 Learn More About Blogging 

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Watch Our Free 9 Mountains of Traffic Webinar: https://www.9mountains.com/webinar-registration

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We love working directly with clients to help them grow. We focus on solving problems that range from branding, to product strategy, to site...

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What Is The Best Platform For A Blog?

Jan 05, 2024

Hi friends, 

An active blog can add a lot of value to your business, and it all starts with choosing the right platform to build it on. In this Tip Of The Week video, we talk about the use cases and differences between Shopify and Wordpress for blogging.

Watch the video...and let us know how you use your blog!


0:30 Jason generated 24,000 Blog Comments in 12 Days

0:45 Which Platform Is Better For Blogging? Shopify or Wordpress? 

1:00 Jason’s First Blog on Wordpress.com

1:33 The Differences Between Shopify and Wordpress

1:42 What Is Your Use Case For The Blog?

2:34 Difference between Wordpress.com and Wordpress.org

3:00 Avoid Self-Hosted Blog Sites

3:58 Blogging On Shopify Integrates With Your E-Commerce

4:48 The Downside To Using A Shopify Blog

5:13 A Shopify App For Making Your Blog Look Better

5:30 Shopify Supports Multiple Blogs On Your Website

6:05 Improved SEO Functionality on Shopify

7:02 Cost For Blogging On Shopify and Wordpress

7:52 A Good Idea To...

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3 Books On Email Marketing You Should Read

Dec 29, 2023

Hi friends, 

Want to improve your email marketing? You are in the right place!

Here are three email marketing book resources that we’ve found helpful.

If you are brand new to email marketing or just looking for some fresh perspectives, these three resources will be the perfect additions to your reading list.

Watch the video...check out the books...then tell us what you’re implementing!

Email Book #1
“300 Email Marketing Tips” by Meera Kothand 

Meera’s Website

Email Book #2

“The New Email Revolution: Save Time, Make Money, and Write Emails People Actually Want to Read!“ by Robert Bly

Email Book #3

“Email Marketing Power: 49 Email Marketing Secrets That Will Jump-Start Your Business And Produce Dramatic Results” By Jason Miles

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Get Your Copy Of The 9 Mountains eBook Here: www.9mountains.com

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The Best Free Swipe File Library Perfect for Email Marketing

Dec 22, 2023

Hi friends, 

Do you know one of the fastest ways to find inspiration for your marketing campaigns?

Have a swipe file! These are examples of designs, content ideas, headlines,and promotions that you collect and reference to create your own content.

It is a secret weapon for all professional marketers.

If you don’t have a swipe file yet or want to expand what you have…we’ve got a cool resource for you.

In this Tip Of The Week video, we will show you the best email marketing newsletter swipe file on the internet that you can search and filter by niche.

Watch the video...then go grab some new email content ideas!

Resource Mentioned: https://discover.getrevue.co
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We love working directly with clients to help them grow. We focus on solving problems that range from...

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The Out Of Stock Shopify App That Can Make You Money Automatically

Dec 15, 2023

Hi friends, 

Can Shopify sellers profit when they are out of stock? Yes! In this week's Tip Of The Week we explain how that works.

Watch the video here:

Learn More About Our 9 Mountains Of Traffic Group Here: Join The 9 Mountains of Traffic Community
Get Your Copy Of The 9 Mountains eBook Here: www.9mountains.com

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We love working directly with clients to help them grow. We focus on solving problems that range from branding, to product strategy, to site optimization, and traffic strategies.

If you feel like your revenue has hit a plateau and you want to be challenged to grow and learn in new ways, then apply for coaching today!

Get A Free 30 Minute Consultation When You Apply For Personal Coaching: As part of the coaching application process we offer a free 30 minute consultation. It is our opportunity to meet each other and discover together if coaching is a good fit. If you're ready to get our personal help. Learn more...

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Manychat Messenger Bot VS Email Marketing

Dec 01, 2023

Hi friends, 

In this week’s Tip Of The Week we debate Facebook Messenger Bot marketing vs. traditional email marketing. Which should you use? Listen to this episode and you’ll know the answer.

Watch the video here:

Learn More About Our 9 Mountains Of Traffic Group Here: Join The 9 Mountains of Traffic Community
Get Your Copy Of The 9 Mountains eBook Here: www.9mountains.com

Need Our Personal Assistance?

We love working directly with clients to help them grow. We focus on solving problems that range from branding, to product strategy, to site optimization, and traffic strategies.

If you feel like your revenue has hit a plateau and you want to be challenged to grow and learn in new ways, then apply for coaching today!

Get A Free 30 Minute Consultation When You Apply For Personal Coaching: As part of the coaching application process we offer a free 30 minute consultation. It is our opportunity to meet each other and discover together if coaching is...

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4 Things Every Email Welcome Series Needs

Nov 24, 2023

Hi friends, 

The Welcome Email Series is a powerful way to automate email marketing. In this video we discuss 4 elements that need to be in your email welcome series.

Watch the video here:

Learn More About Our 9 Mountains Of Traffic Group Here: Join The 9 Mountains of Traffic Community
Get Your Copy Of The 9 Mountains eBook Here: www.9mountains.com

Need Our Personal Assistance?

We love working directly with clients to help them grow. We focus on solving problems that range from branding, to product strategy, to site optimization, and traffic strategies.

If you feel like your revenue has hit a plateau and you want to be challenged to grow and learn in new ways, then apply for coaching today!

Get A Free 30 Minute Consultation When You Apply For Personal Coaching: As part of the coaching application process we offer a free 30 minute consultation. It is our opportunity to meet each other and discover together if coaching is a good fit. If you're ready to get...

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Is Email Marketing Dead?

Nov 17, 2023

Hi friends, 

We hear it all the time - that email marketing is dead! Is it true? Join us for this week's Tip Of The Week to find our our opinions and more about this vital topic.

Watch the video here:

Learn More About Our 9 Mountains Of Traffic Group Here: Join The 9 Mountains of Traffic Community
Get Your Copy Of The 9 Mountains eBook Here: www.9mountains.com

Need Our Personal Assistance?

We love working directly with clients to help them grow. We focus on solving problems that range from branding, to product strategy, to site optimization, and traffic strategies.

If you feel like your revenue has hit a plateau and you want to be challenged to grow and learn in new ways, then apply for coaching today!

Get A Free 30 Minute Consultation When You Apply For Personal Coaching: As part of the coaching application process we offer a free 30 minute consultation. It is our opportunity to meet each other and discover together if coaching is a good fit. If you're...

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