Using Shiny Object Syndrome To Your Advantage

Jun 17, 2022


 Hi friends, 

In this week's video Kyle and I discuss Shiny Object Syndrome. Why it happens, but also when and how to use it to your advantage to grow your business! Of course we also share tips for how to avoid it when it's hurting you. Watch the full video:


Massive Pre-Order Bonus Offer

We are running a massive pre-order bonus right now to support the launch of Instagram Power. Get almost 15 hours of video training. Plus we have a free hour long training session on the topic too. Get the training and pre-order bonus now.

Work With Us More Closely: When you're ready - check out these options to work with us more closely.

Inner Circle: Our group coaching program is designed to give you all our in-depth training, access to a fantastic community of six, seven, and eight figure online sellers, and also opportunity to connect with us directly. Learn more here.

Personal Coaching: Ready To Get Personal Coaching? We have a few spots open on your weekly coaching calls ca...

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Retail Arbitrage Vs Online Arbitrage Business Model Debate

Jun 09, 2022

 Hi friends, 

This week we continued our e-commerce business models debate and decided to tackle Retail Arbitrage Vs Online Arbitrage! Plus there is still time to enter to win an autographed copy of my new book Instagram Power - Revised & Expanded ... in this week's giveaway. Keep reading for all the details...

E-commerce Business Models - Retail Arbitrage Vs Online Arbitrage.  Recently Kyle and I sat down and decided to do a business model head-to-head show-down. This week we discuss Retail Arbitrage Vs. Online Arbitrage. What are the pros and cons of each? What are the weaknesses? listen to an honest debate where we dig into each business model with an honest critique.Watch the full video:


Enter To Win An Autographed Copy Of The New Book Instagram Power
This week I'm running a simple "Like" Contest on Instagram to help promote the launch of my new book, Instagram Power Revised & Expanded!

How To Enter: Simply go to In...

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E-commerce Business Models: Print-On-Demand Vs Private Label

Jun 03, 2022

Contest & Free Training: There are just a couple days left to enter this week's content (enter below)... Plus we've got a fun e-commerce training for you about Print-On-Demand and Private Label.

E-commerce Business Models - POD Vs. Private Label.  Recently Kyle and I sat down and decided to do a business model head-to-head show-down. Print On Demand (POD) Vs. Private Label. Watch the full video:


Enter To Win An Autographed Copy Of Our New Book Instagram Power: Our new book comes out on March 8th and each week we'll be doing special contests to give away an autographed copy. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited, and unfortunately for legal reasons only U.S. residents are eligible to win (read the full contest rules on the embedded entry tool below). The autographed copy will be sent as soon as the book is available on March 8th.  


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Work With Us More Closely: When you're ready - check out these options to work with us more closely.


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Why Sell On Shopify And Not Just Amazon - 13 Reasons!

May 26, 2022

Why sell on Shopify and not just Amazon? In this conversation we explore 13 reasons it's wise to add Shopify to your sales channel mix and not sell exclusively on Amazon. We discuss:

  1. Owning the customer data including email addresses
  2. Directly owning the shopping cart experience
  3. Ability to do upsells, additional offers, creative bundles
  4. Ability to track via pixel data - analytics
  5. Segmenting your audience for special marketing activities
  6. Affiliate marketing strategies
  7. Building your empire on your own land vs. rented property.
  8. Avoiding black hat competitor tactics on Amazon that can ... 
  9. Get your Amazon account shut down... that leads to 
  10. Loss of revenue from getting your Amazon account suspended
  11. Needing to plead guilty to something in the Amazon bureaucracy to get your account re-instated
  12. Needing to hire an Ex-Amazon employee or Attorney to do account remediation
  13. Avoiding the weird three way love triangle that happens between you-customers-and Amazon

 Watch the full vid...

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Shopify, Wordpress, Kajabi, ClickFunnels, Kartra, Amazon, eBay

May 19, 2022

Why Shopify? Why not Kajabi or ClickFunnels or Kartra. It can be hard to decide which platform to use. So, in this conversation we explore the use cases for each of these online selling options and give you our recommendations on which one to use depending on the type of product you're trying to sell. We discuss:

  • Shopify
  • Wordpress
  • Kajabi
  • Kartra
  • Clickfunnels
  • Marketplaces such as Amazon and eBay

 Watch the full video:


 (note: the audio controls are on the bottom right corner of the video player

Instagram Power Launch Team - Special Short-Term Opportunity: Join our Instagram Power Launch Team and get a free copy of the book, the companion videos, and additional resources. Deadline is 12/31/19. Learn more here.

When You're Ready: We'd love to work more closely with you - if and when the time is right. Check out the following options...

Inner Circle: Our group coaching program is designed to give you all our in-depth training, access to a fantastic community of ...

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Why E-commerce Startups Fail - 12 Common Reasons

May 13, 2022

What separates the successful e-commerce startups from the ones that fail? In this week's Tip Of The Week video Kyle and I discuss the 12 Common Reasons E-commerce Startups Fail. Whether you're working on Amazon, Shopify, or another platform, these will apply to you!


 (note: the audio controls are on the bottom right corner of the video player


When You're Ready: We'd love to work more closely with you - if and when the time is right. Check out the following options...

Inner Circle: Our group coaching program is designed to give you all our in-depth training, access to a fantastic community of six, seven, and eight figure online sellers, and also opportunity to connect with us directly. Learn more here.

Personal Coaching: Ready To Get Personal Coaching? We have a few spots open on your weekly coaching calls calendar. If you're ready to get our personal help. Learn more here.

If you'd like additional training and coaching to achieve your Shopify goals, consider applyi...

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Free Ebook - 5 Steps To Your Next 5K Instagram Followers

May 05, 2022

About The Winning Online Tip Of The Week: We strive to find the best e-commerce and online business tips and bring them to you. Be sure to follow us on Facebook to watch these live each week. Or join our newsletter list to get an email update about them.

Tip Of The Week: Instagram is incredibly hot! I'm honored to have written Instagram Power with McGraw Hill in 2014 - and the revised and expanded edition is coming out next year. Until then, we've written a little ebook for you - just as a starter tool. Simply follow us on Facebook Messenger and it's all yours!

Download The Ebook Here

More About the 5 Steps To Your Next 5K Instagram Followers ebook: It walks you through 5 steps to get to your first (or next) 5,000 Instagram Followers. This simple ebook is written with a business owner and/or online seller in mind. We focus on a systematic approach, that you can use with your staff (delegation in mind) and an emphasis on leveraging productivity tools and resources.

 (note: the ...

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The Incredible Opportunity To Use Influencer Marketing

Apr 29, 2022

About The Winning Online Tip Of The Week: We strive to find the best e-commerce and online business tips and bring them to you. Be sure to follow us on Facebook to watch these live each week. Or join our newsletter list to get an email update about them.

Tip Of The Week: Influencer Marketing Masterclass. Join us as we discuss how Influencer Marketing is making a huge difference in e-commerce sales. Hear examples and learn about resources. Plus, we're happy to invite you to our FREE Influencer Marketing Masterclass


 (note: the audio controls are on the bottom right corner of the video player


Personal Coaching: Ready To Get Personal Coaching? We have a few spots open on your weekly coaching calls calendar. If you're ready to get our personal help. Learn more here.

Honored to serve,

If you'd like additional training and coaching to achieve your Shopify goals, consider applying for our coaching program today!

Jason Miles

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Time Management For E-commerce Sellers

Apr 21, 2022

About The Winning Online Tip Of The Week: We strive to find the best e-commerce and online business tips and bring them to you. Be sure to follow us on Facebook to watch these live each week. Or join our newsletter list to get an email update about them.

Tip Of The Week: Time management is one of the most challenging aspects of entrepreneurship. Learn the methods and tactics we use to keep on track with projects and deadlines.



 (note: the audio controls are on the bottom right corner of the video player


Personal Coaching: Ready To Get Personal Coaching? We have a few spots open on your weekly coaching calls calendar. If you're ready to get our personal help. Learn more here.


If you'd like additional training and coaching to achieve your Shopify goals, consider applying for our coaching program today!

Jason Miles


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How To Best Educate Customers And Make Money Doing It

Apr 08, 2022

About The Winning Online Tip Of The Week: We strive to find the best e-commerce and online business tips and bring them to you. Be sure to follow us on Facebook to watch these live each week. Or join our newsletter list to get an email update about them.

 Tip Of The Week: How can you educate customers and make money doing it? Simple - start publishing information that they need or want related to your niche or industry.  In this video we discuss how we do it. Plus hear why Instagram is so hot and how to get going on Instagram!


 (note: the audio controls are on the bottom right corner of the video player

Note: We've shifted the Social Contests Take-Action-Group To September, sign-up now: Join our September Take-Action Group Today!


If you'd like additional training and coaching to achieve your Shopify goals, consider applying for our coaching program today!

Jason Miles

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