Why Marketing Your Shopify Site Can Be Emotionally Challenging

Mar 11, 2021

Lots of people want to make a product, run a company, or be a business mogul. 

Fewer people want to be the chief marketer and salesperson for a specific product.

But if you launch a Shopify site, you are launching a professional career as the chief marketer, spokesperson, and salesperson for your products, your brand, and your website. These roles can mean different things for different companies and industries, but bottom line, you're responsible for selling the product.

You have to be emotionally comfortable selling either directly or indirectly and ideally both. Or you have to get emotionally comfortable over time. As with all things in business - you either do it yourself - or you manage someone who's job is to do it (and in that way - you're still responsible).

Emotional Comfort With Selling Directly

Anyone can say the phrase, "here is my new product and I'd love to tell you more about it." But for some people uttering those words exacts a crushing emotional toll.

So you kn...

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Shopify vs Squarespace: Which Is Better For E-commerce Stores?

Jan 24, 2021

Hi friends, 

You have a number of different platforms to choose from when building your e-commerce store. In this video, Jason and Kyle discuss the pros and cons between Shopify and Squarespace. You'll learn the best reasons to use one or the other, how they compare on pricing, and why one wins for building e-commerce websites.

Watch the video and let us know what you think!

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0:00 Intro
0:33 Benefits of Squarespace
0:57 Differences between Squarespace vs Shopify
1:25 Ideal use cases for Squarespace
2:27 Shopify is the best platform for e-commerce
2:50 Building out websites on Shopify and Squarespace
3:49 The Squarespace page editor is really effective with more flexibility
5:15 Shopify is more template (theme) driven
6:22 Pricing of Squarespace and Shopify
7:02 E-commerce use Shopify vs. Information website use Squarespace
7:42 Expanded functionality: Shopify sales channels and apps add features and functionality
9:03 More Resources

Resources Me...

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July Shopify Site Build Take-Action-Group Overview And Final Reminder

Nov 10, 2020

Hi friends,

Tonight at midnight Pacific enrollment for our July Take-Action-Group closes. Yesterday Kyle and I "went live" (for our tip of the week) and then discussed the July program. If you want to join us, sign-up here.

Kyle and I made you a quick video overview:

Here is what you get:

Small Facebook Group: Each participant will be invited to a new Facebook group On Sunday July 1st, which we’ll use to handle conversations and content sharing for the month of July. Access to it will be available after the month is over, but conversations will be shut off. 

Daily Take Action Planner:
On Monday, July 2nd, you’ll receive a 31 day Take-Action Daily Planner. This will give you a specific action step you can take that day, to work toward your site launch. 

5 Monday Q&A Sessions: Each Monday at noon (2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, and 30th) we will “Go Live” in the Facebook group to answer questions live, screenshare . The 2nd will be our kick-off conversation where we go over everything. T...

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The 9 Word Email That Sells Millions

Oct 09, 2020

Hi friends, 

In this week's Tip Of The Week video we discuss a simple 9 word email that sells millions online, energizes businesses, and delights customers. Watch this week's tip to learn how to use it.

Watch the video here:

Learn More About Our 9 Mountains Of Traffic Group Here: Join The 9 Mountains of Traffic Community
Get Your Copy Of The 9 Mountains eBook Here: www.9mountains.com

Need Our Personal Assistance?

We love working directly with clients to help them grow. We focus on solving problems that range from branding, to product strategy, to site optimization, and traffic strategies.

If you feel like your revenue has hit a plateau and you want to be challenged to grow and learn in new ways, then apply for coaching today!



Get A Free 30 Minute Consultation When You Apply For Personal Coaching: As part of the coaching application process we offer a free 30 minute consultation. It is our opportunity to meet each other and discover together if coaching is a good fit...

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The Lock Down Start-up 4-Part Guide To Your New E-commerce Business

Sep 11, 2020

In January 2010 I walked away from a sixteen-year career to take a chance on a new employer. Optimism 10 out of 10. But two weeks into the new role, the CFO announced lay-offs, and within six weeks, I was gone.

It happened so fast I didn't even need a cardboard box to clean out my desk. I sheepishly just put a few things in my coat pocket as my co-workers mumbled inept "goodbyes" and "take-cares". Most of them didn't even know my name. "Is that all you've got?" the HR lady asked as she accompanied me to my desk to get my things. "Yeah”, I mumbled. As she escorted me out of the building feelings of victimization escalated. I had to call my wife and let her know what happened. Humiliation 10 out of 10. Ultimately, it took me three months to find a new job. Those three months changed my life.

In those three months, as I was job hunting, I set up a simple routine. I’d wake up, work on finding a new job each morning, and then when I felt stuck, I'd wander into my wife's craft room and hel...

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Lead With No Fear Book Review

Jul 31, 2020

Hi friends, 

In this Tip Of The Week we discuss a new book by a local friend and leader. Learn how to lead with no fear - and take your e-commerce company to a new level of growth.

Watch the video here:

Need Our Personal Assistance?

We love working directly with clients to help them grow. We focus on solving problems that range from branding, to product strategy, to site optimization, and traffic strategies.

If you feel like your revenue has hit a plateau and you want to be challenged to grow and learn in new ways, then apply for coaching today!



Get A Free 30 Minute Consultation When You Apply For Personal Coaching: As part of the coaching application process we offer a free 30 minute consultation. It is our opportunity to meet each other and discover together if coaching is a good fit. If you're ready to get our personal help. Learn more here.

Now go crush it,


PS: I hope you take us up on the offer to spend 30 minutes together working on your business - we...

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Influencer Marketing Apps That Make It Easy

Jul 17, 2020

Hi friends, 

In this episode we discuss Shopify apps that make Influencer Marketing easier. Join us as we explore how best to set things up for success.

Watch the video here:

Need Our Personal Assistance?

We love working directly with clients to help them grow. We focus on solving problems that range from branding, to product strategy, to site optimization, and traffic strategies.

If you feel like your revenue has hit a plateau and you want to be challenged to grow and learn in new ways, then apply for coaching today!



Get A Free 30 Minute Consultation When You Apply For Personal Coaching: As part of the coaching application process we offer a free 30 minute consultation. It is our opportunity to meet each other and discover together if coaching is a good fit. If you're ready to get our personal help. Learn more here.

Now go crush it,


PS: I hope you take us up on the offer to spend 30 minutes together working on your business - we look forward to connecting ...

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Instant Prospect Feedback With Pickfu

Feb 21, 2020

Hi friends, 

Get a terrific online feedback! 

In this week's Tip Of The Week we walk you through how to get instant prospect feedback using Pickfu - a terrific online feedback marketplace.

Watch the video here:

Side-note, if you found this post valuable, share it with your friends, in your online groups, on reddit, and LInkedIn. 

Need Our Personal Assistance?

We love working directly with clients to help them grow. We focus on solving problems that range from branding, to product strategy, to site optimization, and traffic strategies.

If you feel like your revenue has hit a plateau and you want to be challenged to grow and learn in new ways, then apply for coaching today!



Get A Free 30 Minute Consultation When You Apply For Personal Coaching: As part of the coaching application process we offer a free 30 minute consultation. It is our opportunity to meet each other and discover together if coaching is a good fit. If you're ready to get our personal help. Learn mor...

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Running A Membership Program On Shopify

Jan 10, 2020

Hi friends, 

Set up and run your membership program on Shopify! 

In this video we discuss how you can set up and run a membership program on a Shopify website. We share details about our program and explain the benefits of the model.

Watch the video here:


Here are the links mentioned in this video:

Our Deep Dive Article On Using Shopify To Create A Membership Program

Our Sewing With Cinnamon Membership Program

Tribe Membership Training

Membership Economy Book

The Bold Membership App

 Full Transcript:

Kyle: Hey dude, Hey man, happy Friday. Happy Friday. We have another tip of the week that we're kicking off right now, and I think it's going to be a good one. Yeah, it's cool. You just wrapped up your 12 days of Christmas or in the process of doing that. And what I noticed was that you focused exclusively on your membership program that you guys have. And so I'd love you to unpack that, the reason behind it and really your how much you love membership and just explain a li...

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A Simple Black Friday To Cyber Monday Promotional Plan

Nov 22, 2019

Hi friends, 

Here is a simple and easy promotional plan you need to know! 

Implement our simple Black Friday to Cyber Monday promotional plan and start ringing the cash register. This is a simple – easy to implement plan. Regardless of whether you have a month to prepare, or a minute – you can do this!

Watch the video here:

Side-note, if you found this post valuable, share it with your friends, in your online groups, on reddit, and LInkedIn. 

Need Our Personal Assistance?

We love working directly with clients to help them grow. We focus on solving problems that range from branding, to product strategy, to site optimization, and traffic strategies.

If you feel like your revenue has hit a plateau and you want to be challenged to grow and learn in new ways, then apply for coaching today!



Get A Free 30 Minute Consultation When You Apply For Personal Coaching: As part of the coaching application process we offer a free 30 minute consultation. It is our opportunity to m...

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