How To Have A Good Shopify Site Plus Bonus Contest

Jan 12, 2019

This week we've got a fun contest for you - plus a terrific conversation about how to have a good Shopify store in 2019! Keep reading to learn more - and enter to win our contest too!

How To Have A Good Shopify Store In 2019: In this free video training we dig into the fun topic of how to have a good Shopify store - with tips, suggestions, and expert advice. Watch the full video:

 (note: the audio controls are on the bottom right corner of the video player

Enter To Win An Autographed Copy Of Our New Book Instagram Power: Our new book comes out on March 8th and each week we'll be doing special contests to give away an autographed copy. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited, and unfortunately for legal reasons only U.S. residents are eligible to win (read the full contest rules on the embedded entry tool below). The autographed copy will be sent as soon as the book is available on March 8th.  


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Work With Us More Closely: When you're ready...

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6 E-commerce Tips For 2019!

Dec 29, 2018

Here are 6 e-commerce tips for e-commerce sellers - so they can make 2019 their best year yet! 

 Watch the full video:

  (note: the audio controls are on the bottom right corner of the video player

When You're Ready: We'd love to work more closely with you - if and when the time is right. Check out the following options...

Instagram Power Launch Team - Special Short-Term Opportunity: Join our Instagram Power Launch Team and get a free copy of the book, the companion videos, and additional resources. Deadline is 12/31/19. Learn more here.

Inner Circle: Our group coaching program is designed to give you all our in-depth training, access to a fantastic community of six, seven, and eight figure online sellers, and also opportunity to connect with us directly. Learn more here.

9 Mountains Of Traffic: We are rolling out our 9 Mountains Of Traffic training exclusively for  our Inner Circle community. You can learn more about the 9 Mountains topic here. I made you a little vid...

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How To Skyrocket Your Pinterest Monthly Viewers

Aug 27, 2018

About The Winning Online Tip Of The Week: We strive to find the best e-commerce and online business tips and bring them to you. Be sure to follow us on Facebook to watch these live each week. Or join our newsletter list to get an email update about them.

How To Get Traffic From Pinterest: Your Pinterest Monthly Viewers is a public number listed on your Pinterest Profile. It gives you an indication of how well your Pinterest viewership is going. Here is a screenshot from The Pixie Faire Pinterest Profile that shows our current number (as of 2/14/21):


In-Depth Video Explains How To Get Massive Traffic Video: In this Tip Of The Week, we share 1 core strategy for blowing up your Pinterest Monthly Viewers so you can drive massive traffic to your website. Note: The numbers mentioned in this video are now very low compared to the current monthly views, (which only proves the strength of Jason's recommendations).


 (note: the audio controls are on the bottom right corner of the video...

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How To Calculate Daily Break-Even For E-commerce Sellers

Aug 19, 2018

About The Winning Online Tip Of The Week: We strive to find the best e-commerce and online business tips and bring them to you. Be sure to follow us on Facebook to watch these live each week. Or join our newsletter list to get an email update about them.

 Tip Of The Week: Top line revenue (total sales) is not the most important number. Your bottomline (net income/profit) is the thing to understand, learn about, and grow! That's the number that keeps the lights on, pays the bills, and let's us have the life we want. In this video we discuss how to calculate daily break-even - so you know your daily profit numbers!


 (note: the audio controls are on the bottom right corner of the video player

Join Our September Take-Action-Group! In the Social Contests Take-Action-Group in  September, we are guaranteeing (if you do the activities) everyone will get 300 leads - or we'll run contests FOR YOU until you do! sign-up now: Join our September Take-Action Group Today!


I'm h...

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How To Tell The Theme And Apps A Shopify Store Is Using

Jul 28, 2018

About The Winning Online Tip Of The Week: We strive to find the best e-commerce and online business tips and bring them to you. Be sure to follow us on Facebook to watch these live each week. Or join our newsletter list to get an email update about them.

 Tip Of The Week: How do you tell what's under the hood in a Shopify site and learn the Theme and Apps they are using to run their site? In this week's Tip Of The Week we show you a free Chrome Extension that reveals it all. 

 (note: the audio controls are on the bottom right corner of the video player

I'm honored to be one of Udemy's Most Popular Shopify Instructors! Be sure to check out all our courses!




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The 4-Attributes Of A Powerful E-commerce Brand (Part Four)

Aug 28, 2017

Series Overview: There are the 4 attributes of a powerful e-commerce brand! In the first article in this series, I described the invisible aspects of a powerful e-commerce brand. In the second article in the series, I described the 6 visible aspects of a powerful e-commerce brand including the most important aspect - the name. In the third article, I described the Legal process and ownership related issues (even though I'm not a lawyer and it shouldn't be taken as legal advice, just educational information). And in this final article, I'm going to outline the most powerful brand attribute of all!


Creating Brand Rituals - The Little Secret Behind Big Brand Success

Since your brand is, in a way, a person, you should let it act like one. People bond with your brand - and you - and your company as they interact with it. So it's logical that you want to create as many ways as you can for people to interact with your brand!

Your brand should throw parties, have traditions, and crea...

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