About The Winning Online Tip Of The Week: We strive to find the best e-commerce and online business tips and bring them to you. Be sure to follow us on Facebook to watch these live each week. Or join our newsletter list to get an email update about them.
Tip Of The Week: How do you improve your e-commerce conversion rate? Start by looking at your mobile usage stats. In this tip Jason shows how to use free tools to examine and then improve your mobile e-commcere conversion rate. We show you how using a simple tool in this weeks Tip Of The Week.
(note: the audio controls are on the bottom right corner of the video player)
Note: We've shifted the Social Contests Take-Action-Group To September, but you can still sign-up now: Join our September Take-Action Group Today!
Inner Circle Enrollment Closing July 31st: Join Our Inner Circle Today. Note, we are closing the Inner Circle to new members starting July 31st. We will re-open it later this year at a new/higher price. ...
About The Winning Online Tip Of The Week: We strive to find the best e-commerce and online business tips and bring them to you. Be sure to follow us on Facebook to watch these live each week. Or join our newsletter list to get an email update about them.
Tip Of The Week: How do you get massive blog comments, social media followers, and email newsletter sign-ups? We show you how using a simple tool in this weeks Tip Of The Week.
(note: the audio controls are on the bottom right corner of the video player)
Join our August Take-Action Group Today!
Get The Help You Want: Join Our Inner Circle Today - If you're enjoying these videos, and want to join a group of e-commerce sellers for support, encouragement, and mutual learning, then you'll love our Inner Circle program. For just $19 a month you get a huge set of benefits including:
About The Winning Online Tip Of The Week: We strive to find the best e-commerce and online business tips and bring them to you. Be sure to follow us on Facebook to watch these live each week. Or join our newsletter list to get an email update about them.
Tip Of The Week: Facebook just released a new insights tab that allows you to see what any Facebook Page is doing in terms of Advertising. Learn more about it in this video...
(note: the audio controls are on the bottom right corner of the video player)
Get The Help You Want: Join Our Inner Circle Today - If you're enjoying these videos, and want to join a group of e-commerce sellers for support, encouragement, and mutual learning, then you'll love our Inner Circle program. For just $19 a month you get a huge set of benefits including:
About The Winning Online Tip Of The Week: We strive to find the best e-commerce and online business tips and bring them to you. Be sure to follow us on Facebook to watch these live each week. Or join our newsletter list to get an email update about them.
Tip Of The Week: When it comes to learning from Gurus, there is a smart way, and an expensive way. Guru Hacker 2.0 is our secret system for doing it the smart way! We made you a video all about it.
(note: the audio controls are on the bottom right corner of the video player)
Join The July Shopify Take-Action-Group: We'd love to have you jump into our exciting July Take-Action-Group designed for people who need to get their Shopify site finished and want help. Learn more here.
Get The Help You Want: Join Our Inner Circle Today - If you're enjoying these videos, and want to join a group of e-commerce sellers for support, encouragement, and mutual learning, then you'll love our Inner Circle program. For just $19 a month yo...
About The Winning Online Tip Of The Week: We strive to find the best e-commerce and online business tips and bring them to you. Be sure to follow us on Facebook to watch these live each week. Or join our newsletter list to get an email update about them.
Tip Of The Week: When it comes to competitive research - everyone should know how to use these free tools!
(note: the audio controls are on the bottom right corner of the video player)
Join The July Shopify Take-Action-Group: We'd love to have you jump into our exciting July Take-Action-Group designed for people who need to get their Shopify site finished and want help. Learn more here.
Get The Help You Want: Join Our Inner Circle Today - If you're enjoying these videos, and want to join a group of e-commerce sellers for support, encouragement, and mutual learning, then you'll love our Inner Circle program. For just $19 a month you get a huge set of benefits including:
About The Winning Online Tip Of The Week: We strive to find the best e-commerce and online business tips and bring them to you. Be sure to follow us on Facebook to watch these live each week. Or join our newsletter list to get an email update about them.
Tip Of The Week: There is Harvard goal setting tool that is scientifically proven to increase outcomes by over 300%. It's been verified in 200 studies. In this video we walk you through it and try to apply it to our businesses.
(note: the audio controls are on the bottom right corner of the video player)
Join Our Inner Circle Today - If you're enjoying these videos, and want our help, then join our group of e-commerce sellers. You get support, encouragement, and mutual learning. You'll love our Inner Circle program. For just $19 a month you get a huge set of benefits including:
About The 32 Habits Project: After working with over 12,000 e-commerce sellers in the last two years, we've identified 32 high-performance habits. It's time to share them.
We are going to video/podcast about them weekly, discussing three of the habits at a time. We will share the videos as we go, so join us as we discuss these powerful attributes.
When the video project is over, and all 32 habits are shared, we'll publish this as an ebook and also launch it as a free course on Udemy. Our goal is to go from working with 12,000 students to over 20,000, so do us a huge favor and share this with your e-commerce friends, groups, and networks. Here are links to the prior sessions:
Part One | Part Two | Part Three |Part Four
Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten
(note: the audio controls are on the bottom right corner of the video player)
What We Cover In This Video:
Hi everyone,
If you have a Shopify or other e-commerce store - then you've probably heard everyone is talking about the new European Union General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). It goes into effect tomorrow, May 25th. It includes fines of 4% of your annual revenue if you are caught in non-compliance.
Who Does This Impact: If you collect information via your website - or sell to - European citizens, then it impacts you - even if you're based outside the EU. Here is a link to the formal EU GDPR site.
Let me suggest some compliance action steps that seem to be universally agreed upon. This is not legal advice, it's simply a list based on my research. I'd encourage you to create your own list to ensure you comply with all the GDPR rules - and confirm for yourself what is required of you as an e-commerce seller. I will revise and edit this blog article as needed based on reader feedback, changes to my own insights, and/or law changes.
Don't Freakout, But Don't Ignore It: The sky i...
About The 32 Habits Project: After working with over 12,000 e-commerce sellers in the last two years, we've identified 32 high-performance habits. It's time to share them.
We are going to video/podcast about them weekly, discussing three of the habits at a time. We will share the videos as we go, so join us as we discuss these powerful attributes.
When the video project is over, and all 32 habits are shared, we'll publish this as an ebook and also launch it as a free course on Udemy. Our goal is to go from working with 12,000 students to over 20,000, so do us a huge favor and share this with your e-commerce friends, groups, and networks. Here are links to the prior sessions:
Part One | Part Two | Part Three |Part Four
Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine
(note: the audio controls are on the bottom right corner of the video player)
What We Cover In This Video:
Prior Article #1 How E-commerce Sellers Are Getting Massive Traffic From Pinterest.
Prior Article #2 Pinterest Article: Pinterest And Shopify For E-commerce Sellers
Hey friends,
Earlier this week (February 22nd 2018) the Shareaholic Traffic Report was released and it dropped several bombs on the e-commerce world!
E-commerce sellers would be wise to study this carefully and begin making changes to their tactics. There are two big headlines:
Here are a few of the really important charts from their report - and then my list of resources to dig into Pinterest marketing...
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